Sustainably Sadie Becomes A Podcast!

*Quick Note: There is a 10% discount code embedded in the first episode of the podcast that you can use at Plastic Free Pursuit. Make sure to listen so you can get that code!*

I have some exciting news! Sustainably Sadie is becoming a podcast! This Saturday (April 11th) will be the air date for my first episode ever! You can find this podcast on all streaming services (Spotify, Apple Music, or where ever else you like to stream your favorite podcast/music). Although this episode will air on the 11th, all future podcasts will be aired on the first Saturday of every month. Currently, I only have enough time to do one a month. I thought now would be a good time to start this podcast since we are all stuck inside because of COVID19. Hopefully this will help with any boredom associated with physical distancing. 

Let me tell you a little about how my podcasts will work. 

Here is a snippet from the intro to the episode: 
"I’m here to talk about anything and everything that has to do with sustainability and how humans fit into the solutions of some of the biggest issues of our time. This podcast is based off of my blog, Sustainably Sadie, and my goal is to create a community and an ongoing conversation about social change, the climate crisis, plastic pollution, and everything else that seems to be wrong in the 21st century."

My goal for each episode is to have a new guest that I'm interviewing who is doing something in the realm of sustainability. My very first guest is the owner of an Instagram zero waste shop called Plastic Free Pursuit. I have talked about this shop before in previous posts and I am so excited for you guys to hear what she had to say about her shop and switching to a more sustainable lifestyle! However, I want to interview a variety of people. I hope to have Instagram influencers on sustainability, environmental activists, social justice activists, journalists, professors, scientists, artists, just anyone that can offer insight into how we are going to reach this sustainable future that we desperately need (if we all want to survive).

I want to give a HUGE THANK YOU to my husband who will be doing all of the editing for the episodes and for letting me use one of his new songs as my "intro and outro" music (the song hasn't been released yet, so you'll get a sneak peak of that as well!).

I really hope you'll come listen and stick around for new episodes. As I've said, I really want to create this community where we can have an ongoing and constructive conversation about these issues. If you ever want to reach out to me for questions, comments, or you just want to talk sustainability, my Instagram handle is @sustainablysadiee !

